Russia Video News Review at 3 p.m. [Inoreader digest]

Russia Video News Review at 3 p.m.

created by Michael Novakhov  •  Jun 13 2024

Russia Video News Review at 3 p.m. EST Daily
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@dw_russian: RT by @mikenov: ❗️США и Украина заключили соглашение по безопасности...
❗️США и Украина заключили соглашение по безопасности сроком на 10 лет. Документ подписали президенты...
(@mikenov) / Twitter 17m
@GolosAmeriki: RT by @mikenov: Остин: имперская агрессивная война Кремля ужаснyла...
Остин: имперская агрессивная война Кремля ужаснyла весь мир— Голос Америки (@GolosAmeriki)...
(@mikenov) / Twitter 17m
@Jerusalem_Post: RT by @mikenov: Anti-Israel supporters will blame everyone but Hamas...
Anti-Israel supporters will blame everyone but Hamas for the war. They don't want peace; they want Israel's...
(@mikenov) / Twitter 17m
@Gerashchenko_en: RT by @mikenov: Chinese Yuan will become Russia's main currency...
Chinese Yuan will become Russia's main currency - Russian Central Bank The yuan/ruble exchange rate...
(@mikenov) / Twitter 17m
@officejjsmart: RT by @mikenov: ALFA BANK OF RUSSIA DISAPPEARS! ⚡️⚡️⚡️ One of the...
ALFA BANK OF RUSSIA DISAPPEARS! ⚡️⚡️⚡️ One of the largest private banks in Russia, tied to the Kremlin...
(@mikenov) / Twitter 17m
@Bundeskanzler: RT by @mikenov: Putin has a plan: He wants to push the war until...
Putin has a plan: He wants to push the war until everyone gives up supporting Ukraine. His plan failed...
(@mikenov) / Twitter 49m
@haaretzcom: RT by @mikenov: A society that ignores so blatantly the price paid by...
A society that ignores so blatantly the price paid by tens of thousands of people for the rescue of four...
(@mikenov) / Twitter 2h
США уничтожают экономику РФ | Россию ждет дефицит и высокая инфляция | РФ отрезали...
На БПАК "Сыч" для 411 ОБ БпАК "Ястребы" и для 45 ОАБр Ссылка на банку:
Ivan Yakovina 2h
@mikenov: Владимир Путин наградил героев труда и вспоминал князя Рюрика.
Владимир Путин наградил героев труда и вспоминал князя Рюрика.—...
(@mikenov) / Twitter 4h
Владимир Путин наградил героев труда и вспоминал князя Рюрика.
Путин вспомнил Рюрика | Что празднует Путин в день России и кому раздает госнаградыposted on Jun 12 2024...
The News And Times 5h
@politico: RT @politico: Biden looks for creative solutions to keep the Ukraine funding...
Biden looks for creative solutions to keep the Ukraine funding stream flowing—...
(@mikenov) / Twitter 7h
@FT: RT @FT: Just in: G7 negotiators have reached a deal to use profits from frozen...
Just in: G7 negotiators have reached a deal to use profits from frozen Russian sovereign assets to help...
(@mikenov) / Twitter 7h
@TOIAlerts: RT @TOIAlerts: Live update: Israel-born far-right senator tapped to serve...
Live update: Israel-born far-right senator tapped to serve as Dutch immigration minister—...
(@mikenov) / Twitter 7h
@CurrentTimeTv: RT @CurrentTimeTv: США ввели санкции против компаний из Казахстана...
США ввели санкции против компаний из Казахстана и Кыргызстана из‑за их связей с Россией—...
(@mikenov) / Twitter 7h
@TimesofIsrael: RT @TimesofIsrael: Son of former Israeli ambassador found decapitated...
Son of former Israeli ambassador found decapitated in north— The Times of Israel...
(@mikenov) / Twitter 7h
@officejjsmart: RT @officejjsmart: RUSSIAN STOCK MARKET IS COLLAPSING Russia is big;...
RUSSIAN STOCK MARKET IS COLLAPSING Russia is big; But the bigger they are - the harder they fall. ...
(@mikenov) / Twitter 8h
@KyivPost: RT @KyivPost: ⚡️Joe #Biden and Volodymyr #Zelensky will sign a 10-year...
⚡️Joe #Biden and Volodymyr #Zelensky will sign a 10-year security agreement between the U.S. and Ukraine,...
(@mikenov) / Twitter 8h
@Jerusalem_Post: RT @Jerusalem_Post: Following Israel's elimination of Hezbollah...
Following Israel's elimination of Hezbollah commander Sami Taleb Abdullah, "Nasrallah realizes that the...
(@mikenov) / Twitter 8h
@GolosAmeriki: RT @GolosAmeriki: На саммите «Большой семерки» Байден будет продвигать...
На саммите «Большой семерки» Байден будет продвигать свой план использования замороженных российских...
(@mikenov) / Twitter 8h
@RpsAgainstTrump: RT @RpsAgainstTrump: Chris Christie: "The grift from this family...
Chris Christie: "The grift from this family is breathtaking. Jared Kushner and Ivanka Kushner walk out...
(@mikenov) / Twitter 8h
@EandPCartoons: RT @EandPCartoons: Bill Day @BillDaytoons
Bill Day @BillDaytoons— Editorial & Political Cartoons (@EandPCartoons)...
(@mikenov) / Twitter 8h
@john_sipher: RT @john_sipher: "I am not a psychiatrist…I am, however, a man who...
"I am not a psychiatrist…I am, however, a man who has lived on this Earth for more than 60 years…I know...
(@mikenov) / Twitter 8h
@dw_russian: RT @dw_russian: После того, как Минфин США объявил о новом санкционном...
После того, как Минфин США объявил о новом санкционном пакете против физлиц и компаний, связанных с войной...
(@mikenov) / Twitter 8h
@igorsushko: RT @igorsushko: 💥 Countdown to F-16s: Ukraine continues to wipe out...
💥 Countdown to F-16s: Ukraine continues to wipe out Russian air defense in occupied Crimea. Two S-400...
(@mikenov) / Twitter 8h
@dw_russian: RT @dw_russian: На Кубу прибыли атомная подлодка и другие корабли ВМФ...
На Кубу прибыли атомная подлодка и другие корабли ВМФ России. Как сообщает российское Минобороны, с "неофициальным...
(@mikenov) / Twitter 8h
@mikenov: US unveils sanctions targeting Russia over Ukraine war | Latest News |...
US unveils sanctions targeting Russia over Ukraine war | Latest News | WION via...
(@mikenov) / Twitter 8h
@generalsvr_en: RT @generalsvr_en: The End of CSTO: Armenia Withdrew, Kazakhstan...
The End of CSTO: Armenia Withdrew, Kazakhstan Next Dear subscribers and guests of the channel! Yesterday,...
(@mikenov) / Twitter 9h
@RpsAgainstTrump: RT @RpsAgainstTrump: Mitch McConnell says he'll attend the GOP's...
Mitch McConnell says he'll attend the GOP's meeting with Trump tomorrow: "I said three years ago, right...
(@mikenov) / Twitter 9h
@EandPCartoons: RT @EandPCartoons: John Deering, The Arkansas Democrat-Gazette #TrumpTrials...
John Deering, The Arkansas Democrat-Gazette#TrumpTrials— Editorial & Political...
(@mikenov) / Twitter 9h
@dw_russian: RT @dw_russian: У брата Максима Галкина прошел обыск по делу о хищении....
У брата Максима Галкина прошел обыск по делу о хищении. Его компания поставляет БТР на фронт. Как выяснила...
(@mikenov) / Twitter 9h
@igorsushko: RT @igorsushko: Russia: Rosbank this morning. They'll buy your US dollar...
Russia: Rosbank this morning. They'll buy your US dollar for 52.8 rubles. They'll sell you a US dollar...
(@mikenov) / Twitter 9h
@mikenov: Russian banks - Google Search
Russian banks - Google Search— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov)...
(@mikenov) / Twitter 9h
@Gerashchenko_en: RT @Gerashchenko_en: Russian media report that websites of several...
Russian media report that websites of several large Russian banks are not downloading or not allowing...
(@mikenov) / Twitter 9h
@JayinKyiv: RT @JayinKyiv: -Moscow Stock Exchange down -15%. -Largest Russian banks...
-Moscow Stock Exchange down -15%. -Largest Russian banks have halted withdrawals. - Largest Russian...
(@mikenov) / Twitter 9h
@RpsAgainstTrump: RT @RpsAgainstTrump: In November, I'm voting for the guy who doesn't...
In November, I'm voting for the guy who doesn't think that Putin's invasion of Ukraine is "Genius."—...
(@mikenov) / Twitter 9h
@nexta_tv: RT @nexta_tv: ⚡️⚡️ Pashinyan: "I declare that I will never visit Belarus...
⚡️⚡️ Pashinyan: "I declare that I will never visit Belarus as long as Alexander Lukashenka is president:...
(@mikenov) / Twitter 9h
@TOIAlerts: RT @TOIAlerts: Live update: White House says Israel is backing ceasefire-hostage...
Live update: White House says Israel is backing ceasefire-hostage deal, world should pressure Hamas—...
(@mikenov) / Twitter 9h
@GolosAmeriki: RT @GolosAmeriki: Зеленский провёл переговоры с наследным принцем...
Зеленский провёл переговоры с наследным принцем Саудовской Аравии— Голос Америки...
(@mikenov) / Twitter 9h
@EandPCartoons: RT @EandPCartoons: Mike Luckovich, @mluckovichajc...
Mike Luckovich, @mluckovichajc— Editorial & Political...
(@mikenov) / Twitter 9h
@igorsushko: RT @igorsushko: 🇦🇷 🇺🇦 President of Argentina Javier Milei approved the...
🇦🇷 🇺🇦 President of Argentina Javier Milei approved the transfer of 5 Super Étendard subsonic fighter...
(@mikenov) / Twitter 9h
@KyivPost: RT @KyivPost: 💸#G7 leaders have agreed to provide #Ukraine with $50 billion...
RT @KyivPost: 💸#G7 leaders have agreed to provide #Ukraine with $50 billion from frozen Russian assets...
(@mikenov) / Twitter 9h
@KarissonGerry: RT @KarissonGerry: Запад готовится к долгой войне Спустя два года...
Запад готовится к долгой войне Спустя два года после того, как #Россия вторглась в Украину, #Запад,...
(@mikenov) / Twitter 9h
@dw_russian: RT @dw_russian: Украина и США подпишут соглашение о безопасности. Это...
Украина и США подпишут соглашение о безопасности. Это произойдет 13 июня на саммите "Большой семерки"...
(@mikenov) / Twitter 9h
@boris_beissner: RT @boris_beissner: @OlenaWave French reporter: "#RaisiHelicóptero's...
French reporter: "#RaisiHelicóptero's helicopter pilot was a #Mossad agent called Heli Copter." A joke...
(@mikenov) / Twitter 19h
@EandPCartoons: RT @EandPCartoons: Barry Blitt, The New Yorker #Alito
Barry Blitt, The New Yorker #Alito— Editorial & Political Cartoons (@EandPCartoons)...
(@mikenov) / Twitter 19h
@WhiteCoatWaste: RT @WhiteCoatWaste: Taxpayers shouldn't be forced to pay for gain-of-function...
Taxpayers shouldn't be forced to pay for gain-of-function experiments that waste money, torture animals,...
(@mikenov) / Twitter 19h
@mikenov: Power to modify human DNA - News Review #NewsAndTimes #NT #TNT #News #Times...
Power to modify human DNA - News Review#NewsAndTimes #NT #TNT #News #Times#World #USA #POTUS #DOJ #FBI...
(@mikenov) / Twitter 19h
@mikenov: AI gene editing tools have power to modify human DNA
AI gene editing tools have power to modify human DNA - GS— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov)...
(@mikenov) / Twitter 19h
@mikenov: AI gene editing tools have power to modify human DNA, say researchers |...
AI gene editing tools have power to modify human DNA, say researchers | BBC News
(@mikenov) / Twitter 19h
@IntelCube: RT by @mikenov: The Iranian regime is now asking Al-Qaeda to plot and...
The Iranian regime is now asking Al-Qaeda to plot and carry out large-scale terrorist attacks on the...
(@mikenov) / Twitter 19h
@IntelCube: RT by @mikenov: 🇮🇷 Intel sources: The Iranian regime has eased restrictions...
🇮🇷 Intel sources: The Iranian regime has eased restrictions on senior al-Qaeda figures, including Saif...
(@mikenov) / Twitter 19h
AI gene editing tools have power to modify human DNA, say researchers | BBC News
 AI gene editing tools have power to modify human DNA, say researchers | BBC Newsposted at 19:59:30 UTC...
The News And Times 20h

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